Headfirst into uncertainty
"It'll be fun, it'll be a thrill. Something stupid, something bad for you, just something different. Isn't this the point of being young? ... People can live a hundred years without really living a minute. You climb up here with me its one less minute you haven't lived"
This past year has forced me to grow comfortable with uncertainty. Whether it was uncertainty about what I want to do with my life or uncertainty abou the pandemic, I've had to grow to realize that it's okay not to know what will happen next. We can plan all we want, but so much can happen that can derail those plans. Someone told me this last year that the best step someone could take is the next one. My next step is an internship at Seattle Children's in research for the summer. My hope is to treat this experience as an opportunity to explore my options in healthcare before deciding on a path I want to do.